Thursday, November 24, 2005

keep it going

This is an online story that will be continued by others..... quite fun i say

On an exceptionally pleasant afternoon,in the comforts of his room, Chimanlal Charlie sat down to think of his life. Of his aged mother who refused to wear anything short than a mini skirt, his father who loved to read Tinkle comics and of his brother who had married a cow.

Chiman often thought that people looked at him wierdly. He never understood why anyone dressed in orange floral shirt, red pants, violet goggles and blue hair be considered abnormal. Its fashion right? Ah! How would these mere mortals know about fashion?

He thought about Jalsa Mari - his girlfriend. Well not officially - because .... (who's next!)

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Love - Ah! Beautiful!

Sometimes all it takes is a bad day and dark mood to realise the power of love and its meaning. Am reading a book called The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks who refuses to let go of me. An amazing story of love and lifetime companionship. About how two lovers meet after 14 years of separation only to be inseparable even after he contracts arthritis and she Alzheimer's.
A beautifully worded and romantically written novel that makes you pray for Allison and Noah (the characters) Those who know me, know that I am not a mushy type of person at all. I have never read a single Mills n Boon novel. but inspiring love stories move me. they tell me the possibility of pure and intense love. it shows me that passion knows no age and simply holding hands can be as exciting as climbing the mountains.
For those who have felt the power of love (in others, felt and lost or are blessed to have it in their lives) will know that perfect love changes you as a person. it makes everything seem perfect. it makes you preserve roses long after they have been presented just to reminf u of the occassion. it makes you write letters which you never post. it makes you talk incessantly, it makes you value silence. it makes you feel special.
often friends who have loved and havent got the love back say, "The love I feel for him/her is enough. I know it wont be the same if he/she loved me back. But love is unconditional, isnt it?"
And how do I know so much - because I am travelling with Allison and Noah discovering love.
This feeling may not last for long - but I am savouring every moment of it. :)

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Lesson learnt

Since the year is ending, I thought why not do a multitude of things. So apart from pretending to work, I am writing for another magazine, am doing a play (which is great fun) am editing another magazine called ORION and am reading books.

The writing part is great coz it comes naturally (as u can see) of course there are times when i dont know what to write but thankfully it doesnt last for long. moreover i have always preferred writing fact to fiction.

the other day i saw a lovely baby urchin in the train. i can tell u she had the most expressive and beautiful eyes in the world. she is chubby and wore a torn dress. but the smile never left her face. she chuckled a lot, probably laughing at the irony of her life. she was smart as she picked up signs easily. she waved and made faces back at me. the fact that she had no legs made no difference to her. she was happy that she was here. thats when i relaised how trivial our issues are. a good job, better pay, nice boyfriend, big house all fall short in front of this child's determination. am sure she would beg in a few years but even that she wud do with courage. coz it requires guts to stretch ur hand in front of someone - i know i dont want to ask for help all the time.

anyways life goes on and so did the train, taking her along far far away - maybe to teach yet another urban, self-involved person like me - a lesson in living.

cheers to that! :)

Friday, October 28, 2005

train tantrums and more

ok no more am i going to curse central railways for not working adeptly. for the past 4 days, the western railway has sickened me with its service. the trains are late and then they wait outside stations probably waiting to be lured into the platform. disgusting.

i also have realised that lot of ppl generalise a lot which is an annoying habit. i mean keep ur opinion to urself na. why tell me all girls r after money or all men r cheats.i am not interested plz unless u substantiate ur statements with stats. the other day, a fundamentalist was telling me how i being a christain shouldnt eat prasad and take part in poojas. the annoyance went to my brain and i gave her a piece of my mind. (the pieces are decreasing now) what u believe is none of my concern. leave me to myself. such rigidity and closed attitude will bring only ruin. she told me "God wont ever like it." I told her 'sure' he will in fact love me for it. participating with others is important. i will pray to my god and u to urs but if we pray together, it will make a greater impact.

of course the festival of lights has come and its amazing. i m lovin it. everyone is out, buying new things and enjoying themselves. i bought a diya myself. why not, even i need the light (not new light as HT says)

hope all of u have a gr8 time gearing up for the festive season. cheers!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Of spitting and other matters

ok, lets get this straight. men spit. period.

from trains, buses, autos, taxis and if it was possible even from airplanes. they love it, hate it, dont bother abt it, but yet they spit.

roads are full of different types of saliva from men who carry various kinds of diseases and pass it around too! it bothers us coz it disgusts us. beyond words.

apart from that i quite liked the new airtel ad. lovely visuals.

the millenium train looks swanky from its pictures and hope it works well for all passengers. wonder when central railway will bring it here?

apart from that, life goes on and so do my meaningless blogs ;)

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Since I changed my job, I get a lot of free time which besides using constructively, I spend in watching TV.

The new spate of ads have simply left me dumb-founded.

1.The new LUX commercial of SRK. Wow. Thats what I wanted to push myself to use LUX! Yuck! I cannot imagine why LUX would use SRK! Its a predominantly female soap! anyways SRK doesnt even look nice in that tub with rose petals. of course the ladies look stunning.

2. The new diamonds ad wherein this guy is proposing and the girl says yes but get a proper ring first? Ahem?? Hullo! Arent we more interested in the diamonds? Sheesh...they make girls sound so cheap? There are exceptions to every rule ya ;)

3. Emami Fair and Handsome. yes thats what all of us were waiting for! I pity the poor ad fellas who had to work on such a product.

4. I like the DNA as well as Red FM billboards all across the city. They are catchy and attract a lot of attention.

5. Lastly the Coca Cola Sar Uta Ke Piyo campaign is quite a rage among my cola drinking friends.
Kudos to the ad team who made such a generic style of drinking soound so exclusive to Coke only. Smart move and the sar utta hai pyaar main is so adorable.

So thats that. Also the 2 shows I try not to miss these days is Laughter Champions and Nach Baliye - both on Star One. Innovation seems to be Star's forte and while they themselves introduced the teary serials, they are now publicizing their shows as a break from the soaps! I mean smartness ki bhi hadd hoti hai!

Anyways you go back to whatever you were doing....... I am sure it is more worthwhile.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Lets DARE, we can leave the truth for later

All of us have our lows. But we always find someone who makes you relaise how special we are and how we have a purpose of our own in the world to fulfill.

My best friend sent me this poem during on those days in the dump: I hope this inspires you. You may have read it before. But each time you read it gives a new meaning. The best part, the author didnt take credit for it! :)

so here it goes is called DARE TO!

When a new day begins, dare to smile gratefully.
When there is darkness, dare to be the first to shine a light.

When there is injustice, dare to be the first to condemn it.
When something seems difficult, dare to do it anyway.

When life seems to beat you down, dare to fight back.
When there seems to be no hope, dare to find some.

When you're feeling tired, dare to keep going.
When times are tough, dare to be tougher.

When love hurts you, dare to love again.
When someone is hurting, dare to help them heal.

When another is lost, dare to help them find the way.
When a friend falls, dare to be the first to extend a hand.

When you cross paths with another, dare to make them smile.
When you feel great, dare to help someone else feel great too.

When the day has ended, dare to feel as you've done your best.
Dare to be the best you can. At all times, Dare to be!

Dare to be inspired! :)

Friday, October 14, 2005

One of the most irritating things for me to do is read fwds. it is quite an effort. occassionally i come across some interesting ones. Like this mail on one-liners. I quite liked most of them.

They could make great T-shirts prints ;) Most of them relates to work and it is so amazing!

  • God is real, unless declared integer.
  • Light at the end of the tunnel has been switched off as a part of cost cutting!
  • There are some things that money can't buy. For everything else, my salary isn't sufficient !! Remember there's no I in team" ... (but there is a M and an E)
  • I don't mind the rat race but I could do with a little more cheese.
  • They can't fire me, slaves have to be sold.
  • Do you have trouble making up your mind? Well, yes or no?
  • Home is where the television is.
  • Death is hereditary.
  • Many things can be preserved in alcohol. Dignity is not one of them.
  • Never argue with a fool. People might not know the difference.
  • When you're right, no one remembers. When you're wrong, no one forgets.
  • Cheer up, the worst is yet to come.
  • Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else..
  • Experience is what a comb gives you after you lose your hair.
  • Well done is better than well said.
  • They say hard work never hurt anybody, but why take the chance.
  • Always borrow money from a pessimist. He won't expect it back.
  • I like work. It fascinates me. I can sit and look at it for hours.
  • If you can't see the bright side of life, polish the dull side.
  • Pessimist: A person that looks both ways when crossing a one way street.
  • The light at the end of the tunnel is the headlamp of an approaching train.
  • Where there's a will there are five hundred relatives.
  • I have a drinking problem - I can't afford it.
  • Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die.
  • LUCK...stands for Labouring Under Correct Knowledge.
  • Everyone should have a spouse, because there are a number of things that go wrong that one can't blame on the government.
  • The evening news is where they begin with 'Good evening', and then proceed to tell you why it isn't.
  • There are three sides to every argument: your side, my side and the right side.
  • An expert is someone who takes a subject you understand and makes it sound confusing.

Enjoy :)

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Calamity numbs...

Calamity strikes and leaves you so numb. For most of us, we saw nature's fury on July 26 here in Mumbai. The recent earthquake in J & K, Pak and Afghanistan has left villages completely destroyed. What is most heart wrenching is the number of children dying...not because of the earthquake but its aftermath! With no roof on their heads and rains splashing all around, the number of children succumbing to the cold is slowly losing count.

Can you imagine small children shivering in the cold, as relatives and strangers dig out their parents and bury them elsewhere? Villages dont have shovels to dig out bodies and food to eat! Mumbai reached out alright....but because it was possible to do so. Villages along the border have been swiftly alienated with no relief and no help. As it is Kashmir seems to be a forgotten state and this adds to it. Meanwhile Prez Musharraf is offering aid to India while Pak is losing citizens by the thousands and their PM says, 'I am ruling a graveyard!'

I am posting excerpts from the article by Muzamil Jaleel in the Indian Express on Sunday.

Cold, hungry and drained, hundreds of villagers spent the last two days burying their dead. And if nature’s fury hasn’t abated, after the quake, came the rains—six children shivered to death in the open.

Everywhere here, they talk of the dead in numbers. Guvalta, a small village, has already buried 200 and is still counting. Except for Army personnel, a few groups of young men from Sopore and a dozen BSF men, nobody’s arrived here with relief. The state government did send four policemen to take down the death toll but they, too, skipped this village.

Two dozen stretchers, each with a body covered with shards of cloth, are carried by groups of men so tired that for them, it’s a struggle not to trip. As we near Udoosa, the stench of death gives it away.

Entire families are gone. Habibullah Mir carries the body of his son. In his wake, come the bodies of his two brothers, carried on stretchers.

Grief has been temporarily pushed aside by the needs of survival. As father and son point to their rubble, a frail woman, Muneera, walks by. Behind her, villagers carry the body of her nine-year-son Shahbaaz Nazir. ‘‘He was studying in the Army school,’’ says the mother before she begins to cry.

Moulvi Manzoor, Imam of the village mosque, is furious. ‘‘Let these people come to ask for votes. We will show them,’’ he says. ‘‘Our children will die of hunger and cold. Why doesn’t anybody help?’’

And as we move closer to the LoC, the level of devastation too increases. The next village is Chakri. Here 10 villagers were killed. Survivors have nothing but the open sky and the clothes they wear. Across the Jhelum, on the right flank of the road, is Dulanja. Here, there is no sign of life. Of either the living or the dead.

Exhausted, we stop at Udoosa, the last village on Srinagar-Muzaffarabad road before it pierces through the LoC. Here, seven villagers have died. ‘‘When the road was reopened, we thought finally it is our time to be lucky. We didn’t know what was to follow,’’ says Tawseef Ahmad. The only consolation is the news from across. ‘‘When we hear what has happened just miles away across the Kaman post, this seems like nothing. This road leads to hell.’’

First Words :)

First of all - I bow down to the ingenuity in you! ( You have heard this before, havent you?)


So now I can ramble and somebody actually will make the effort to read it! Amazing! I totally understand the pains mothers go through while selecting a name for their first child. I took great effort to select my blog name.

Well it turned out to be quite a feat I say. I wanted my name to sound rhythmical (anagha r u reading?) I went over so many names in my head that I really thought my bhabhi need not worry for names once she delivered. Then lightning struck and I came up with three names that I felt were so catchy that I randomly chose one of them.

Talia is a Hebrew word which means ‘morning dew.’ I loved the sound and the meaning. Of course machines love to make our life miserable and the computer said this url isn’t available. So I added a ‘S’ to it for someone told me it will bring good luck. (Arre at least I came up with a reason!) ;) So it became s-talia!

The other names I thought were Tam which means ‘heart’ and Taban which means ‘Genius’ ya ya I am obsessed with T. anyways after the initial bakwaas, I will now give your eyes some rest.

I am posting some lovely T-shirt messages that I have seen and smirked out loud.

1.If you want bed tea, sleep in the kitchen!!!!! (
2.I am not 50. I am just Rs. 49.95 plus taxes (Saw it while shopping for a gift for my dad’s 50th birthday)
3.50 isn’t old. Depressing, but not old. (same as above)
4.FBI – Female Body Inspector
5.This is my clone!
6.I am UGLY on the outside too…
7.My favourite – Talk Nerdy to ME!

So thats all for now....will post more messages soon ... :)

Take care